Stainless Steel Racks (SUR·SURF·SURFD)
Suitable for food machinery due to SUS304 material\'s rust-resistant quality.
Module: 1
Effective Number of Teeth: 159
Shape: R1
Total Length Rack (A): 505.0 (mm)
Face Width (B): 10.0 (mm)
Height (C): 12.0 (mm)
Height to Pitch Line (D): 11.0 (mm)
Pressure Angle : 20°
Module: 1.5
Effective Number of Teeth: 212
Shape: R1
Total Length Rack (A): 1,010.0 (mm)
Face Width (B): 15.0 (mm)
Height (C): 20.0 (mm)
Height to Pitch Line (D): 18.5 (mm)
Pressure Angle : 20°
Module: 1.5
Effective Number of Teeth: 105
Shape: R1
Total Length Rack (A): 505.0 (mm)
Face Width (B): 15.0 (mm)
Height (C): 20.0 (mm)
Height to Pitch Line (D): 18.5 (mm)
Pressure Angle : 20°
Module: 2
Effective Number of Teeth: 159
Shape: R1
Total Length Rack (A): 1,010.0 (mm)
Face Width (B): 20.0 (mm)
Height (C): 25.0 (mm)
Height to Pitch Line (D): 23.0 (mm)
Pressure Angle : 20°
Module: 2
Effective Number of Teeth: 79
Shape: R1
Total Length Rack (A): 505.0 (mm)
Face Width (B): 20.0 (mm)
Height (C): 25.0 (mm)
Height to Pitch Line (D): 23.0 (mm)
Pressure Angle : 20°
Module: 2.5
Effective Number of Teeth: 127
Shape: R1
Total Length Rack (A): 1,010.0 (mm)
Face Width (B): 25.0 (mm)
Height (C): 30.0 (mm)
Height to Pitch Line (D): 27.5 (mm)
Pressure Angle : 20°
Module: 2.5
Effective Number of Teeth: 63
Shape: R1
Total Length Rack (A): 505.0 (mm)
Face Width (B): 25.0 (mm)
Height (C): 30.0 (mm)
Height to Pitch Line (D): 27.5 (mm)
Pressure Angle : 20°
Module: 3
Effective Number of Teeth: 105
Shape: R1
Total Length Rack (A): 1,010.0 (mm)
Face Width (B): 30.0 (mm)
Height (C): 35.0 (mm)
Height to Pitch Line (D): 32.0 (mm)
Pressure Angle : 20°
Module: 3
Effective Number of Teeth: 52
Shape: R1
Total Length Rack (A): 505.0 (mm)
Face Width (B): 30.0 (mm)
Height (C): 35.0 (mm)
Height to Pitch Line (D): 32.0 (mm)
Pressure Angle : 20°
Module: 4
Effective Number of Teeth: 79
Shape: R1
Total Length Rack (A): 1,010.0 (mm)
Face Width (B): 40.0 (mm)
Height (C): 45.0 (mm)
Height to Pitch Line (D): 41.0 (mm)
Pressure Angle : 20°
Module: 4
Effective Number of Teeth: 39
Shape: R1
Total Length Rack (A): 505.0 (mm)
Face Width (B): 40.0 (mm)
Height (C): 45.0 (mm)
Height to Pitch Line (D): 41.0 (mm)
Pressure Angle : 20°
Module: 1.5
Effective Number of Teeth: 212
Shape: RF
Total Length Rack (A): 999.0 (mm)
Face Width (B): 15.0 (mm)
Height (C): 20.0 (mm)
Height to Pitch Line (D): 18.5 (mm)
Pressure Angle : 20°
Module: 2
Effective Number of Teeth: 160
Shape: RF
Total Length Rack (A): 1,005.3 (mm)
Face Width (B): 20.0 (mm)
Height (C): 25.0 (mm)
Height to Pitch Line (D): 23.0 (mm)
Pressure Angle : 20°
Module: 2.5
Effective Number of Teeth: 128
Shape: RF
Total Length Rack (A): 1,005.3 (mm)
Face Width (B): 25.0 (mm)
Height (C): 30.0 (mm)
Height to Pitch Line (D): 27.5 (mm)
Pressure Angle : 20°
Module: 3
Effective Number of Teeth: 106
Shape: RF
Total Length Rack (A): 999.0 (mm)
Face Width (B): 30.0 (mm)
Height (C): 35.0 (mm)
Height to Pitch Line (D): 32.0 (mm)
Pressure Angle : 20°